Thursday, February 19, 2009

Zillow's Report! has just sent me an email on the Real Estate Market Trends in Somerset, and I thought you all might like to hear what they had to say.

Their report said that home values in Somerset decreased -5.6% in the fourth quarter of 2008, compared to the fourth quarter of 2007.

And that Nationally, home values decreased -11.6% during this same period.

Even though prices continue to decrease in Somerset Kentucky, we can feel a little more confident that things are going a little bit better for us than some.

I make this post not to discourage, but to keep people informed. Don't go and call all your friends and family and tell them that the world is going to end, because as long as people continue to focus on how bad things are, the less likely we are to make things better. We need to learn from our mistakes, not dwell on them!

Take care! Be positive! And remember you still have your family!

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